On June 27, 2013, the Special Board discussed funding needs for completion of our Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan, its suspension of further work on the LWRP, and it voted to notify the Village Board of available funding thru the New York State Consolidated Funding Application process - deadline for which was August 12. (Minutes of that meeting are here.)
At the Village Board Monthly Meeting on July 9, 2013, Mike Armstrong, Chair of the Special Board pointed out that funding to draft land use laws is available through the Consolidated Funding Application. Armstrong reported to the Village Board that Ted Fink of GreenPlan offered his services in preparation of that application. IMPORTANT NOTE: If he believed at the time the Village Board should not accept Fink’s offer, Armstrong remained silent. (Minutes of that meeting are here.)
At its workshop on July 25, 2013, the Village Board voted unanimously (including Mayor Falloon & Trustee Campbell) to hire GreenPlan to work on the Code Update Project if GreenPlan's application for the $75,000 NYSERDA grant was successful. (Minutes of that meeting are here.)
The grant application was successful. The Village was awarded the funding.
Both NYSERDA and the Village Attorney confirmed for the Village that an RFP is not required for the hiring of a consultant on this project.
On a telephone conference call with NYSERDA on July 1, 2014, NYSERDA confirmed again, that an RFP for consulting services is not required for hiring of a consultant on this project.
However, Trustees Bowman & Fadde insisted the Village draw up an RFP for consulting services to replace GreenPlan. (Minutes of that meeting are here!)
GreenPlan applied. AKRF applied. Barton & Logiudice applied.
On October 7, 2014 the Village Board voted 4-1 ( I dissented. ) to hire Molloy's preferred planning consultant, Barton & Logiudice, to replace GreenPlan – again, the professional consultant who had been unanimously voted on by the Village Board in July of 2013. (Minutes of that meeting are here.)
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